My next art piece about childhood friends.....

Childhood Friendships always stay true

Inspiration for PIGSY Art

The starting point for my process generally comes from something like an image, a line of a poem, a concept that intrigues me or maybe a conversation I've had that has sparked something in my mind.

My next piece will take inspiration from the below image which is a photograph of myself and my two childhood friends taken over 35 years ago.

Childhood Gang

We were a gang of 3 and we called ourselves "MBC" which was made up the first letter of each of our names.

That's me to the right with the green hat and the chubby cheeks.

The picture of the three of us somehow reminds me of this Warhol print of Elvis Presley.  I think it might be because of our stance (which was a break dancing pose!). What do you think - can you see it too?

Finished PIGSY Piece (Edit 8/3.17):

A man dressed in black stands in front of a painting he has created of three young boys who are his childhood friends, the boy in the middle has a crown above his head

Here's the finished art piece. It's titled "No Space for Nostalgia" (it was the centre piece in my second solo exhibition and the painting went on to sell on the first night of the show and is now in private collection)

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